Australian National Square Dance information site
Australian Callers Federation - listing of all Australian callers
South Australian Square Dance Society - our State organisation
Callerlab - source of all our definitions, program lists and much more
Jim Vickers-Willis - Some Australian square dance archival material from the boom years of the 1950s
sqview - Square Dance music software
56th Australian National Square Dance Convention - April 2015 - Photos and videos of the National Convention South Australia hosted in April 2015. The theme was "Come to the Cabaret" and Graham and Dawn were Convenors. So come visit a snazzy website full of great memories.
63rd Australian National Square Dance Convention - April 2023 - Photos and videos of the National Convention South Australia hosted in April 2023. The theme was "Rock'n'Roll' and Graham and Dawn were Convenors. So come visit a rockin' website full of great memories.
Taminations - A site showing animations of all our square dance movements. Includes an app to place on your smartphone. Ideal if you're learning or need to clarify something when you don;t agree with your caller! Put together by the Tam Twirlers club in California.
Video Square Dance Lessons Online - American caller Larry Kraber has videoed all Mainstream and Plus movements with a live set of dancers in slow walk throughs. Another tool to help learn the movements.