Return visit by Japanese caller Duke Okada

Duke callingThe Okadas, the Elliotts and Julie & Peter WinterMariko Okada, Dawn, Graham, Atsuyuki Okada, Sumika Okada and Duke Okada.

(Click on pictures to enlarge)   

We were thrilled to receive a return visit from Duke Okada from Osaka in Japan. Duke visited us back in 2006 and returned this year with his wife and two children for a brief holiday in Adelaide. In visiting both our MS and Plus clubs, we were priveleged to have him call. He has a smooth style and is very clear and he quickly endeared himself to our dancers. Their visit coincided with our Adelaide Idol easter Dance and I think they were quite entertained by the outstanding talent of our dancers.

Whilst here, we took the opportunity to expose them to some of the culinary delights that Adelaide has to offer and give them a sample of the Adelaide Festival with a tour of the “Northern Lights” display on Adelaide’s North Terrace.

We say “Arigato” (thankyou) and syonarrah to our Japanese friends and hope we shall cross paths again in the future.

Check out Duke’s club website on our “Square Dance Resources” links page. Why you might even spot some Aussies there!

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