Square Dancing makes it to television

We were fortunate to be contacted by a reporter from the ABC television current affairs show “Stateline” just prior to the Adelaide National Convention. After some arrangements were made, the reporter and cameraman visited the National Convention venue to film interviews and setting up and then paid a visit to the Adelaide Outlaws/JR Squares Trail In Dance on Wed 6 June. Interviews were held and a lot of footage was shot of the capacity crowd dancing.

The end result I must say was one of the best stories on square dancing we have ever seen. Not only was the segment a good length but it did not degenerate to the “hick” image we so often are portrayed with. The reporter, Simon Royal, put together a good balance of interviews with Graham, James Reid (JR Squares caller), David Amstrong (National Convention Convenor) and footage of dancers at the Trail In dance.

Our thanks to the ABC and Simon Royal for such good coverage.

National Convention Trail In Dance – What a night!!

The atmosphere was electric – the crowd was buzzing – a night to remember!

The hall was filled to capacity with dancers from all over Australia and we had a ball. Graham Elliott and James Reid called the entire program as their two clubs, the Adelaide Outlaws and JR Squares, combined to put on a pre Convention show. Not only was there a feast of dancing and entertainment but we also had clothing and shoe stalls at the back of the hall – albeit a bit squeezy down there.

A special highlight of the night for us was the presence of a film crew from the ABC television show “Stateline”. They filmed the dancers and callers and conducted interviews. The final segment was shown on their show the following Friday. See the Blog item for details.

A big thanks to the two club committees who arrived early to decorate the hall and clean up afterwards. A special thankyou to all the dancers who, despite facing five more days of Convention dancing, came along in droves to join our party. A party that consisted of great dancing and even guest appearances from the Motown boys, the Grease boys and those two Village People who closed with the finale. Big thankls to Les Tulloch who kept people dancing during a  costume change.

Learn to Square Dance intake now closed

A great group of new dancers have now joined us Monday nights and unfortunately we cannot accept any more new starters. We are progressing through the teaching program and can’t go back to the beginning.

If you would like to learn square dancing and missed this intake, contact us for details of other clubs’ learners programs. Don;t hesitate – we’d love to have you join our friendly pastime. 🙂

Learn to Square Dance

We are giving anyone the opportunity to learn to square dance at our club. Commencing Monday April 30th we will be teaching this wonderful dance form. The details are:

Start: Monday April 30, May 7 OR May 14th.

Time: 6:45pm for 2 hours.

Location: Macedonian Hall, 148 Crittenden Rd, Findon. (cnr Young St).

Cost: $5 per session.

NO dance experience is necessary – if you can walk, we can teach you to dance. It’s a great social activity and a chance to get out and mix with fun loving people. There are no costume requirements, just wear comfortable shoes for dancing on a wooden floor. Be entertained by our caller Graham and welcomed by our club members. There’s no obligation – just give it a try. There’s a good chance you’ll enjoy it and stay on to dance at our weekly club. If you have any questions, call Graham & Dawn on 8353 1749. This website also has a map to help you locate our hall. See you there!!



If you’re coming to Adelaide for the National in June, arrange your trip to be here for the Wednesday evening Trail In Dance – it’ll be worth it!

Callers – James Reid and Graham Elliott

Venue – William Light High School Hall, Errington St Plympton.

Time: 8:00 – 10:30pm.

Level Mainstream with serious fun!!

If you have any queries on this – drop us an email or call. We’d love to see you there.

Hosted by Adelaide Outlaws and JR Squares Square Dance Clubs.

We need your talent!!

April 19th – Adelaide Idol

Don’t panic! There will be no judging! Do you play an instrument, read poetry, sing, juggle or in fact any talent or interest you’d like to share with us? Would you like to try your hand at a square dance call?

Our Adelaide Idol night has always been a great night of entertainment and we are constantly amazed at the “hidden” talents amongst us. If you’d like your 3 minutes (or so) of fame, if you’d like to come up on stage and share something with us, let Graham or Dawn know and we’ll book you in. Don’t be shy now – we’re all friends here.

If you’d like to try a square dance call and would like the music and words, let Graham know early so we can arrange a CD for you. (No charge). It’s a great night of fun and discovery and, if we get time, we’ll even fit in some square dancing :-).

Begorrah – Do ye fancy a spud?

March 19th – our St Patrick’s spud feast.

Join with us to celebrate St Patrick’s day by dining on a spud feast. The spud van will be set up and you can skip tea at home and have a tasty, satisfying and - dare I say – healthy spud dinner with us. Please book if you want a spud. The meal will be at 7pm with dancing at 8pm. Being St Patrick’s, it’d be grand if ye could be wearin’ green.

Valentine’s Charity Dance – Feb 12th

All proceeds from this dance will be donated to a charity we select by vote. We have a number of suggestions available so take a moment to mark your selection. Charities with titles looking remarkably like dancer’s names aren’t really acceptable I’m afraid :-).

The night will be a red & white theme and the music based on love songs. We hope you can join us for a “mushy” fun-filled evening. All you need is love!

Aussie Night – Jan 22: Book now.

One week after we open in 2007, we present our annual Aussie Night. There will be a BBQ tea to start the night at 7:00pm. Please book with us if you want to join in the BBQ tea. It’s great value and you won’t need to get your own dinner that night – have it with us!

Come join us for an Aussie theme night. Aussie decorations, wear green & gold or Aussie clobber and help us pay tribute to Australia Day. Graham may even serenade you with the didgeridoo again 🙂

Xmas and New Year dates

Our Christmas arrangements this year will be      

PLUS:Plus party on Wed Dec 6th – the last night of Plus for the year. Basket supper.

MS: Xmas Party dance Mon Dec 18th. A Dance night with a big supper around 9:30pm. A lot of food will be provided but you are welcome to bring a basket supper. Dress in Xmas colours.


MS: Monday January 15th

PLUS: Plus learners Wed Jan 17th (full night), Plus Wed Jan 24th. (Learners at 7pm).

We wish everyone a very happy festive season and thank you all for your support in 2006. Don’t forget to book now for your meal at our Aussie Night BBQ to be held on Mon Jan 22nd (meal 7pm, dancing 8pm).