2010 March 15th – St Patrick’s Spud Feast

(Click on thumbnails to enlarge)

A fantastic night of fun, food and great people! We celebrated St Patrick’s Day with a spud feast to start the night. Our spud caterers did a great job in feeding the five thousand (well it seemed like it!).

Most dressed in green and with Irish music between brackets and jigs for Round Ups it all added to a great atmosphere. Thanks to our committee and helpers who came in early to decorate the hall and clean up afterwards. It was all grand – indeed it was.

2010 February 15th: St Valentine’s Charity Night

(Click on thumbnails to enlarge)

As is our custom, our Valentine night was also a fund raiser. This year the vote was for the Beyond Blue initiative – an organisation that assists people with depression. The door takings, raffle and sale of pre-loved square dance clothing raised just over $1,000 for this organisation. The hall looked beautiful with the hearts and cupids. Thanks to all who joined us and dressed to match in the red, whites and pinks. It was a great atmosphere and of course set to music with the “love” theme – romantic and raunchy!

We had the pleasure of welcoming square dancers from Leipzig in Germany – Dietmar, Birgit and their daughter Silvia. Whilst mum and dad spoke only broken English, Silvia acted as interpreter and was amazed by this wonderful thing called square dancing. A wonderful family – so friendly and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We love the fact that this is an international dance form!

2010 January 24th – Demonstration at Milang

Demo Milang

Adelaide Outlaws dancers at the Power of the Past rally - Milang

On Sunday Jan 24th, Graham & Dawn and a set of our dancers gave a demonstration of square dancing at the “Power of the Past” engine and car rally down at Milang on the shores of Lake Alexandrina (about 80km south east of Adelaide).

This rally is an exhibition of old engines, vehicles and memoribilia from the past. a collection of stationary engnes, tractors, vintage and not-so-vintage cars, motor cycles and collectables. We were thrilled to be asked and gave them a couple of brackets of dancing. On a beautiful warm day, dancing on the grass was fun but a little challenging with lumps and bumps. The crowd loved it and we enjoyed the chance to look at all the equipment on display too. Seems we weren’t the oldies after all!! Thanks to our set for coming all the way to do this:

Dawn, Barry, Brian, Mary, Ross, Margaret, John, Zaree, Eddie, Rosalie and Milton.

2009 December 21st – Christmas Party Dance

G&D on stage

Graham & Dawm receiving their naughty list from club President Eddie.

To paraphrase Frankie Valli – “Oh What a night!!”. A fantastic crowd gathered for our last dance for 2009 and the atmosphere was electric. We Welcomed our learners to join us for a night of learners level, Mainstream and even some rounds. We kicked off with a catered dinner at 7pm and it was like the feeding of the five thousand. With swift arrangement of staged servings and some dancing we managed to get everyone fed with some great chicken and salads and still have plenty of time for dancing.

Our learners were with us most of the night and everyone  danced their hearts out. The hall looked great and thanks to some great helpers setting up the previous night and then before the dance, the hall really looked festive.

It wouldn’t be an Outlaws  Christmas without Santa entering the hall in another unusual mode of transport and this time, the centuries of racing around on Xmas eve had taken their toll – Santa arrived on a gopher! Me thinks Santa seemed to enjoy the ride as he steadily lapped the hall whilst the helpers gave out the treats. We noticed he then seemed to get more creative with his driving, looping around asnd reversing to the crowd’s delight. Bit if a lad our Santa.

Santa in his "Gopher" wowing the crowd.

Santa in his "Gopher" wowing the crowd.

It was a memorable evening and to top it off, Dawn had her Birthday on that night and was presented with a beautiful basket from the club. she worked so hard on the night keeping it all co-ordinated, the pressie was well deserved.

Thanks to all who attended, dressed in Xmas colours, brought the sumptuous desserts for supper, helped clean up and most of all, supported us during 2009.

We wish you all the best for the holiday season and look forward to more fun in 2010.

2009 September 26th – 24th Birthday

Dancing through the Decades. 

Our theme this year had a different decade for each bracket. Great to see so many dress to the theme with a wide variety of costumes. I’m not sure where the hillbillies came from though! A great atmosphere and fantastic support from all clubs. Thanks to Les Tulloch, Jeff Seidel, Thelma McCue for help on the program and a special guest appearance by “retired” James Reid.

A lot of help from the committee and other helpers made the hall and supper something to remember. Why I’m sure even our life sized Elvis was all shook up! Take a look at some of the photos of our caller Graham and the night of fun. Thanks to Roger M for most of these. (Click to enlarge picture)

2009 August 10th – Pancake Night – a night with Royalty!

This makes the feeding of the five thousand seem like a family picnic! We again invited the Pancake King and his serving maiden to cook and dish out as many pancakes as a gathering of square dancers could eat. A big ask of anyone! So many enjoyed the fare and were seen queueing up for seconds, thirds, fourths and more. Scott and Kaye – the Pancake King and assistant, did a great job and I think this year his aim is improving or dancers are getting better at catching the flipped crepes. Here’s some photos… (click on image to enlarge)

2009 March 16th – St Patrick’s Spud Night

Rounding up for the dance

Rounding up for the dance


The giant spud sets the stage

The giant spud sets the stage

Dawn has made her selection
Dawn has made her selection

 Here’s some photos from our very green Spud night held in March. Not  only were the decorations and outfits green but so was a lot of the food! The Spud caterers did an excellent job of keeping up with demand and a grand night was had by all. Begorrah!