Tag Archives: Events

2012 August 13th – Charity Social Dance

(Click on photos to enlarge)

Our doors were open to the public for our Charity dance and we welcomed new friends along to learn some square dancing and raise funds for a worthwhile charity. We selected the Cancer Care Centre as our benefactor and all proceeds from the door, raffle and donations were presented to them at the end of the night.

What a crowd! The atmosphere was infectious as our new friends learned some square dancing and a few mixer dancers thrown in. In a matter of minutes the whole floor was dancing – not bad for just walking in off the street. It is really heart warming to see people enjoying themselves so much without television or electronic gadgets – just dancing with each other and meeting new friends.

Kevin Turner, the manager from the the Cancer Care Centre, was there to tell us about the organisation and was the pleased recipient of the money raised at the end of the night. We also welcomed two of his staff on the night – Fran and Jocelyn. Your boss dobbed you in!

We’re holding our doors open to the public until September 17th if you’d like to come along and take part in this wonderful activity. No prior dance experience needed, no need to have already been to this Charity Dance either. Just come, bring friends, family, colleagues and we’ll guarantee a fun night.

Thanks to everyone for your support of the Cancer Care Centre and our club. what a night!!

For information about what the Cancer Care Centre offers, check their website – CANCER CARE CENTRE

2012 August 6th – Pancake Night

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As August comes around we once again indulge the inner desires of our gastonomic needs and put on our annual Pancake night.

The “Pancake King” was again summoned to  perform his unique craft and entertain the masses. With the smell of cooking crepes and shrieks of success as our dancers successfully caught the tossed delights hot off the  hotplate, it was a fun atmosphere. Take a look at the video to see it all in action.

 To see full screen – click in the [  ] symbol bottom right hand side of video screen

2012 May 14th – Mothers Day Dance

(Click on images to enlarge) Thanks to Robert Scott for the photos.

We celebrated Mothers Day with pre dance champagne and juice and offered complimnetary admission to our ladies. Floral decorations adorned the hall and stage and an extra bonus this year was afforded by a serve yourself coffee machine.  Thanks to one of our members, Alastair, a full on goffee machine was set up to serve cappucinos, lattes, hot chocolate etc. It was a popular attraction and we even had a little coffee lounge area set up.  Great turn up for the event and pinks seemed to be the colour of choice.

2012 March 19th – St Patricks Spud Feast

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As is our custom we held a Spud night for our St Patricks theme thsi year. Dancers enjoyed a catered spud tea before the dance courtesy of the spud van. Great to see everyone dress to the green theme too.

We had a special guest – Kathryn from the Guide Dogs brought in one of the beautiful dogs to accept the cheque donation from our St Valentine’s Charity night. She was thrilled and gave us a run down on what it takes to train these lovely animals. Both dog and caller behaved themselves on stage and we were proud to present them with the donation.

2012 Februaury 20th – Valentines Charity Dance

(Click on thumbnails to enlarge pictures)

This year our voted charity was the Guide Dogs For the Blind. Our door takings, raffle and proceeds form the clothing sale all bundled up and will be presented to this charity in the next few weeks.

A great turn up for thsi event and lovely to see everyone dressed in the Valentines Reds. This clothing sale seems to be growing and if it keeps up we’ll have to open a shop!

Thanks to all who supported this evening and we hope you enjoyed dancing to love songs and gorging on one of our largest suppers yet. All boosted by two hefty cakes supplied by our Birthday Boys Bill and David. Big thanks to Sheila and Nigel Shaw for looking after the clothing sale during the evening – great job!

2012 January 23rd – Aussie Night and BBQ

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Straight back to dancing after our Xmas-New Year break and our second night was our annual Aussie Night. A celebration of all things Australian marking the Australia Day public holidayon th e26th.

It began with a delicious barbecue cooked for us by the Flagstaff Venturers who managed to cook and dish out meals for our ravenous crowd. Great job as always and it is a fund raiser for them as well. Great reports on the meal itself.

Dancing followed and the hall was decorated with Aussie animals and pictures. Australian music featured in the dances and as background and most people found something Australian to wear – be it green and gold, flag colours or Aussie themed clothes. Thanks everyone who came – it was a great night. Thanks also to our helpers who set up and cleaned up afterwards.

2011 December 19th – Christmas Party

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And so this is Christmas – another year over, a new one just begun. It was a great way to finsih off 2011. A huge gathering of dancers came to celebrate Chritmas and they brought food – man did they bring food! The hall looked great and we thank our committee and helpers for starting early to put all that together.

Suddenly the familiar Christmas music was interrupted by the instantly recognisable sufin music of “Wipeout” as two lifesavers brought a rather Aussie looking Santa into the hall on a surf canoe. Well – no snow here in Australia so Santa thought he’d aclimitise! Thanks to Eddie and Rosalie the lifesavers and to Graeme Zilm – aka Santa dude.

We wish you all the best for the Festive Season and thank you all for your support in 2011. Look forward to seeing you in 2012. We open up on:

MS Monday January 16th

Plus Wednesday January 18th

2011 October 31 – Spooks Ball

(Click on thumbnails to enlarge, then click again for further enlargement)
It was an entertaining night as we threw on a Halloween theme for our October 31st dance. Great to see so many people dress in the theme and thoroughly enjoy themselves. A big thanks to our committee and helpers who decorated the hall and manned the spider bar.

Check out a live action video during the “Monster Mash”. Watch for the crazy swinging witch!
(Click on bottom right corner to enlarge to full screen)

2011 September 24th – 26th Birthday

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Here’s a quick video snippet:

We celebrated our 26th Birthday with a Black and White Ball and what a night it was! Nearly everyone frocked up – men with dinner suits that seemed to be working a little hard to close up and girls with their best evening gowns. Great to have visitors from the Acey Squares in Naracoorte and Ray Sedgeman from Victoria and big thanks to Les Tulloch, Milton Mackenzie and Jeff Seidel for joing in on the program. Also a thanks to Thelma McCue and Les for the Rounds. The supper was nothing short of sensational and I nearly got killed in the crush!

The stage looked dazzling with our silhouettes and dancing lights and a big thanks to the crew who helped us set up and pack away.

2011 September 5th – Fathers’ Day Dance

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We celebrated Fathers’ Day with complementary ports and soft drinks and what seemed a ton of bread, cheeses and metwurst! The boys were granted free admission (fathers or not!) and the supper was supplemented with hot pies. A great turn up and a fun evening of dancing and the overwhelming aroma of garlic and laughter!